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What to Expect

Ready to visit?

We've got you covered

What to Expect

At Christ Church...

  • We believe in the power of the Risen Christ.
  • We have a church dating back to 1773, making us one of the oldest churches in Northern Virginia. 
  • We have a vibrant outreach of community service to the city of Alexandria and lots of volunteer opportunities. 
  • We believe that Holy Scripture is the word of God. 
  • We are a diverse congregation.
  • We practice Christian welcome. 
  • We preach the Gospel. 
  • We baptize, confirm, and receive approximately 75 children and adults every year.
  • In accordance with federal law and with the Episcopal Church we are honored to offer the sacrament of marriage to all people. 
  • We offer Sunday school, Youth groups, and adult formation to share God's love.
  • We have Bible studies, Covenant classes and other ways to deepen our faith. 
  • We have a pew where George Washington worshipped. 
  • We see the Lord’s Table as the center of all we do. 
  • We celebrate the participation of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals in all ministries.
  • We support mission ministries by our presence and our presents in countries throughout the world. 
  • We have a beautiful churchyard with pre-Civil war gravestones in the middle of Old Town Alexandria.
  • We doubt and question sometimes. 
  • We make room for folks wherever they are on their spiritual journey.
  • We want to get to know you.
  • We have room for you.
  • You are welcome here!

Historic church,

living congregation

Christ Church is a historic church with a living congregation.

Within the space where George Washington also worshipped, we sing, pray, and listen to our clergy preach. We gather after services for Christian education and fellowship.

You are welcome here; we look forward to visiting with you soon.

What to Expect


The Book of Common Prayer and the hymnal shape our services. Communion is taken at the chancel rail and is open to everyone who wants to receive it; all are welcome at the Lord’s Table.

Sunday worship happens at 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., and 5:00 p.m.

Our 8:00 a.m. service is Rite I (traditional language for the prayers).

The 10:00 a.m. service is Rite II (contemporary language for the prayers). 

Our 5:00 p.m. service is quieter, with Holy Communion using the Rite II language.

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Children, Youth, and Families

We have staffed nursery care and an infant caring room where parents can take care of their children’s needs and experience worship from a live feed. Children aged three through third grade are welcome to go to Children’s Chapel during the 10:00 a.m. service. Sunday School happens most Sundays in the Fowler House at 9:00 a.m.

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The choir lifts their voice in song to beautiful music at the morning services. The 5:00 p.m. service offers reflective time with silence for prayerful reflection.

On the first Sunday of the month, from October to May, Choral Evensong, a service of Bible readings and prayers, is sung by our choir. 

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Have a question about visiting?

Contact Us

Where Are We?


118 N. Washington St.
Alexandria, VA 22314

Directions & Parking

Historical Tours

Our church is open for guided tours. No reservation required for small groups. Times are subject to change due to weddings, funerals, and special services.

Sneak Peek

Before you arrive, take a look at what you will see inside the church and explore our churchyard.

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