Sacraments & Milestones

The Holy Sacrament of Baptism

From the point of view of Christian faith, the most significant and transforming event in a person’s life is baptism. Holy Baptism is a sacrament by which God adopts us as his children and makes us members of Christ's body, the Church, and inheritors of the kingdom of God (Book of Common Prayer, p.858). Baptism is a sign of God's own love for us, unmerited and unconditional. It is a sign of new life and new beginning in Christ.

We baptize people of all ages.

When we schedule baptisms

Baptism is a powerful, transformational moment for the entire faith community at which we welcome our newest members, vow to support them, and in so doing reaffirm our own baptismal vows. Thus, baptism belongs in public worship and is incorporated into regular services during the year. Specific dates can be found in our Baptism Application (see below).

Preparation for baptism

  • Infants and Children: The parents of infants and young children prepare for the child's baptism by attending the Water into Life class. Water into Life explores the meaning of baptism in the Christian tradition and the Book of Common Prayer, offers practical ways to nurture your own faith journey and that of your family, and provides an opportunity to build community with other parents in the church. Parents are required to complete this one-session class prior to their child's baptism, and godparents are encouraged to attend if they are able. Parents and godparents are also required to attend a rehearsal prior to the baptism.
  • Older Children and Youth: The requirement for preparation is tailored to the individual spiritual journey. Please contact a clergy person. (Click here for clergy contact information.)
  • Adults: The requirement for preparation for adults is also tailored to the individual spiritual journey. We strongly recommend our Covenant Class series (Click here for class information) and a conversation with a clergy person is welcomed.

Click here to fill out the Baptism Application.

If you need assistance regarding baptism, contact Michelle Baize.

The Holy Sacrament of Confirmation

Confirmation is a time when parishioners make a public affirmation of their maturing faith and take on the promises made at their baptism for themselves. The Bishop leads the worship service and lays hands on each individual confirmand while praying for the Holy Spirit to continue to sustain and empower that person. Confirmation is a spiritual journey point in the life of a Christian; it is not a rite of passage that must happen at any particular age. Confirmation preparation includes studying the Bible, Christian history, theology, and the history of the Episcopal church, as well as engaging in service to others, prayer, reflection, and discernment. Preparation for confirmation for adults happens through Covenant Class. (Click here for class information.)

If you need further assistance regarding confirmation, contact the Rev. Robbie Laughton


1 John 4:7 - Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God; everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.

Congratulations! Choosing to enter a covenant relationship is one of life’s important decisions and joyous occasions. It is also a time for prayer, planning, preparation, and growth. The clergy of Christ Church want this special occasion to be lovely and meaningful. In addition, we are committed to providing you with the resources necessary for a lasting and loving Christian relationship. In accordance with the Episcopal Church, federal law and Virginia law, we are honored to offer the sacrament of marriage to all people, regardless of sexual orientation. We hold you in prayer as you take this important step toward your shared life.

For ALL wedding ceremonies:

  • Weddings are not scheduled during Advent (December) or Lent (generally February/March or April).
  • Ceremonies are not scheduled on Sundays.
  • Weddings will not be scheduled less than three months in advance. 
  • You do not need to be an Episcopalian to be married at Christ Church, however, at least one party must be baptized.
  • If either party is divorced, at least one year must have elapsed between the final divorce decree and the date of remarriage. Approval for remarriage must be obtained from the Bishop of the Diocese of Virginia. Your clergy person will guide you through this process.
  • There are different procedures and costs for member versus non-member events.
  • We strongly encourage all couples to participate in a covenant preparation program. 

For members:

  • You must be a member in good standing (as defined by the Episcopal Church) of Christ Church, or the child of active members. 
  • If you are new, or are interested in membership, you must be an active member for six months before scheduling your ceremony.

For non-members:

  • All weddings must be performed by an Episcopal priest. Christ Church clergy are not available. If you secure your own officiant, you must obtain permission from the Rector. 
  • If the priest is not canonically resident in Virginia, you must also obtain permission from the Diocese.
  • Other diocesan marriage guidelines can be found here. Email Meredith Bracco for assistance.
  • The couple is responsible for completing pre-marital counseling.

For further information on planning and scheduling your wedding, please contact Meredith Bracco at 703-778-4931 or via email.


"For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. "Romans 8:38–39


Martha Wilcox

March 22 at 1:00 p.m.


Paul’s words to the church in Rome are a source of profound comfort to Christians in times of loss, grief, and despair. Even though the pain at the death of a loved one is very real, we hear in this holy text that nothing will be able to separate us from God’s love. The funeral service, or the burial office, is a powerful reminder of this promise. While we mourn our loss, the words, music, and actions of the liturgy reassure us that God’s love is stronger than death. Planning this service can be a particularly meaningful way of honoring the life of your loved one. The clergy of Christ Church are happy to help and support you as you make these important preparations. We hope this is a help and a comfort in your time of grief.

We also encourage parishioners to make their own funeral arrangements. Planning this service for yourself is a generous way to help your family and friends honor your life. Your completed funeral planning document will be kept on file at the church.

Guidelines For Planning a Funeral For the Family of the Departed:

Pre-Planning Your Funeral:

For further information, contact the Rev. Robbie Laughton.

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