
Mission at Christ Church

"Mission is not fundamentally something we do as Christians but a quality of God’s own being. It is not a program of ours but the path of God’s action in the world. The mission of the church, therefore, derives from the mission of God, and it has meaning only in relation to what God is up to in the universe. Already engaged in mission, God simply invites us to participate in what God is doing."
Titus Presler, in Horizons of Mission © 2001
(Volume 11 of the New Church’s Teaching Series)

Here at Christ Church our mission is to discover where God is at work in the world – giving life, hope and help to those in need wherever they may be around the globe – and to discern through prayer and careful deliberation, where we are being called to join in.

Lord God, empower our missionaries in the Holy Spirit as they go, as they point to and proclaim Jesus. May each of us be open to the invitation to go ourselves. We pray that all of us may be empowered and living in the Holy Spirit that we will all live the mission no matter where we are, to the Glory of God and the building up of Your Kingdom. Amen.

The Diocese of Renk

For 23 years, Christ Church and the Episcopal Diocese of Renk in South Sudan have shared a covenant to pray for each other, visit when possible, and support vital social services provided by the diocesan bishop, currently The Rt. Rev. Joseph Garang Atem. We built and supply a four-room medical clinic - the only working medical facility in an area the size of Maryland. We helped fund an ambulance, construction of St. Matthew’s Cathedral, an internet upgrade, and translation of the Old Testament to Dinka. We advocate for peace and programs to improve the well-being of our brothers and sisters in Christ. Contact Nancy Knapp to help raise awareness of their needs and resilience in the face of great hardships. 

Friends of Mengo

Christ Church has been a prayerful partner with Mengo Hospital in Kampala, Uganda for over four decades. Over the years we have forged a close mission-focused relationship with the hospital’s leadership and staff.  Christ Church partnered with other Friends of Mengo organizations in the UK and Canada to build a hospital chapel, dental clinic, HIV/AIDS clinic and expanded medical facilities. Responding to the COVID pandemic, last year we supported the acquisition of PPEs for first responders at Mengo. This year we aim to deepen our partnership with Mengo Hospital through regular prayer and fellowship. We are also prayerfully considering to respond to the urgent need for NICU facilities at Mengo. For more information please contact Witney Schneidman.

Our Little Roses

Christ Church has supported Our Little Roses Home for Girls in San Pedro Sula, Honduras for 30+ years. The most important part of our mission is one of presence - visiting for a week each year, normally in person, but by Zoom in 2020 and 2021. Last year, we held the first ever book group and are planning another soon. Last year about 40 parishioners helped in planning the week’s activities and/or attended Zoom sessions. This year, if you would like to help us plan, support the activities, or participate during the “trip," please contact Jane Baird or 703-683-5283 and/or Anne Reed or 703-926-3410.

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