Many neighbors in Alexandria continue to experience a profound economic crisis and cannot regularly purchase groceries or pay rent, much less have a Thanksgiving dinner. This year, the rate of childhood poverty rose from 5.2% to 12.4%: an all-time high. Moreover, the inflation rate for groceries remains high at 11.4%.
Christ Church hopes to meet the needs of 200 families this year by providing Giant Grocery store gift cards of $100 for families of one to three, and $150 for families of four or more.
Our goal is to raise $20,000 to make this possible!
How to help:
In the words of those we served last year:
"Thank you so much for the joyous Thanksgiving gift! I’m sure everyone is already busy and overloaded with a lot to do prior to Thanksgiving, so I want to thank you so much, you have helped out more than you might have imagined!! Everything that comes from the heart goes straight to the heart, so much love in return is sent your way! Thanksgiving is a time to thank God for his blessings, and you all are definitely one of them!"
"How can I ever say thank you to a compassionate, thoughtful, and outgoing servant leader of Jesus Christ, who always goes beyond the call of duty? Know that my family and I are extremely grateful."
"God bless you and your family and let the church know that the kids and I said Happy Thanksgiving and we truly appreciate everything that you all have done for us!"
Please conact our Thanksgiving Ministry Coordinator, Amy Bacon, with any questions.